Everyone goes through the valley of despair at one time or another. While this quote comes from an 1845 romantic novel, The Two Daughters by William Harrison Ainsworth, it’s a timeless adage we can all identify with. Circumstances in life can create a downward spiral where we find ourselves feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about the future.

For a believer struggling with doubt, disillusionment, or despair, building trust back into a relationship with God is the challenge at hand. I know because I’ve been there. Below are the four keys to help you rebuild confidence in our Father in heaven during those times when it seems like our world is falling apart.

1. Goals for Rebuilding Trust in God

  • Heighten awareness of God’s presence in your life.
  • Embrace Scripture as the foundation of truth.
  • Remember God’s faithfulness shown in past experiences.
  • Pursue a deeper relationship in Christ.

1a. Heighten Awareness of God's Presence in Your Life

During challenging times, we often feel alone and unable to rely on anyone or anything. This is one of the devil’s most insidious strategies; he convinces us God has abandoned us, too.

If you find yourself in this position, pause for a moment and consider these truths:

  • God never leaves or forsakes us (Hebrews 13:5).
  • Jesus promised He would always be with us (Matthew 28:20).
  • The Holy Spirit, indwelling believers, comforts us in trouble (Romans 8:16; 2 Corinthians 1:3–4)

Be proactive about recognizing the Lord’s presence in your day-to-day life by doing the folowing:

  • Thank Him for His presence in various situations.
  • Practice focusing on specific promises that encourage and uplift you.
  • Reflect on the days, events, or experiences that show God’s attentiveness toward your life.

Open your heart to God’s abiding presence and practice thanking Him for the ways you see and feel Him answering your needs or speaking peace to your soul.

1b. Embrace Scripture as Foundation of Truth

In difficult times, doubts can creep in. The adversary loves to attack at our weakest points and turn us against the very source of strength. To combat lies with the truth, immerse yourself in Scripture.

Practical steps to become more grounded in the Word of God include:

  • Carry Scriptures notes, devotionals, or inspirational books wherever you go to peruse a verse or two when time allows.
  • Memorize key verses that speak to your current struggles. For example, if fear drives you, hide Jeremiah 1:5, Philippians 4:7, and Isaiah 41:10 in your heart. Recite them out loud as needed to reaffirm God’s truth.
  • Spend quality time in prayer alongside reading Scripture to understand the context of what you read.
  • Journal your thoughts, feelings, questions, and responses to God’s Word. Regularly review your entries to gauge progress.

As you rest in Scripture, you will strengthen your mindset. You’ll not only reclaim the truth but also provide a fortress to storm any fiery darts the enemy may hurl your way.

1c. Remember God's Faithfulness Shown in Past Experiences

God is constant, unchanging, and ever the same yesterday, today, and forever (Malachi 3:6; Revelation 1:8, James 1:17). To build confidence in who God is, look back over your life. Consider all that you have walked through and how He saw you through each trial. If at all possible, share your story with other believers. By sharing, God’s goodness is magnified while your own faith is built up.

One woman shared, "After the birth of my second child, I was placed on bedrest at home for two months after a risky delivery left me hemorrhaging. My firstborn was already struggling with life-threatening asthma, which flared badly with each subsequent pregnancy. The worry was overwhelming. My faith faltered, leaving me feeling angry and abandoned. But God had other plans. During those eight weeks, a close friend reached out. She shared a Bible study with me, and in the process, helped me regain my focus on Scripture, the power of prayer, and the certainty of God's love. Because of that dark time, I learned more about Christ than I had before."

As the Psalmist says, 'Therefore my heart is glad, and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your faithful love leave me' (Ps. 16:9–10).

1d. Pursue a Deeper Relationship in Christ

Finding security and comfort in an intimate relationship with Christ is essential to building back the broken bridges of trust. As your inner confidence grows, so will your assurance of God's faithfulness—even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

The following suggestions can help you move from a superficial understanding of your Creator to an intimate friendship rooted in love:

  • Pray out loud. Verbalization helps make the invisible, real. Don't hold back when talking to God.
  • Fellowship with others who walk closely with Christ. Their enthusiasm may inspire you to seek deeper engagement with God.
  • Avoid 'religious' routine and seek true worship. Cultivate wonder, awe, and reverence toward God. When worship feels stale, shake things up.

Throughout all the suggestions above, turn to the primary teacher, the Holy Spirit. The apostle Paul wrote, 'But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you everything and remind you of all that I said to you' (John 14:26).

Understand that building back your trust in God will require work. But with every step taken, you deepen your dependence on the one person most able to meet your needs.


Over time, as you're intentional in rebuilding your relationship with the Lord, you will begin to sense His nearness once again, silencing that old lie that God doesn't care. Instead, your cries will be heard, your needs met, and your faith renewed. Then, as Scripture declares, 'you will overcome the evil one' (1 John 2:13, NIV). God has a purpose even in the midst of chaos. It's never too late to trust Him again.