What Does Jesus Teach Us about God's End-Times Plan?

Sooner or later, many will ask: What does Jesus teach us about the end-times, the Second Coming and related prophetic events? To answer this question, let us follow the roadmap laid out by Jesus in His parables and discourses with an open Bible. We’ll discover that while we cannot pin down specific dates, we can understand the principles, signs and sequence of world-changing events. The more accurately we align our lives to those teachings, the less these events will “catch” us unawares....

March 14, 2024 · 6 min

One Key Reason Why Church Consultations Fail

After spending more than 20 years providing church consultations, I've seen a number of things work and a number of things fail. I'd like to take the risk today to highlight one key reason why some consultations do not succeed. It is my sincere hope that this will enable better processes in the future and lead churches toward greater health and alignment with God's call for their lives. Before you read further, allow me to be clear: the following comments do not apply to every consultation nor to all who provide these services....

March 13, 2024 · 4 min

Why Do Christians Emphasize Hell Instead of Not Being with God in Heaven?

In contemporary conversations about Christianity, the concept of hell often triggers a variety of responses. Some find the idea of eternal punishment to be barbaric. Others embrace it as a necessary divine response to sin. But if we consider how Christianity speaks of both heaven and hell, an important difference emerges when discussing their respective emphases: Christians appear to convey more fear-based teachings regarding hell rather than emphasizing the simple absence from God's presence, which is commonly perceived as the biblical implication for those not making it into "...

March 12, 2024 · 4 min

Why Christians Can Be Bad at Being Kind

As Christians, we are called to love, forgive, and be kind to one another. However, it’s often remarked upon (even by ourselves) that we can fall short in these endeavors. While there may never be an end to the human capacity for growth, there is something about our sinful natures and self-righteous hearts that can sabotage even the best of intentions when it comes to being kind. There are a few key reasons as to why we can be particularly unskillful in this department, and, with proper recognition of the issues, we can work towards rectifying them....

March 11, 2024 · 5 min

Why the Church Should Take Responsibility for Its Liberties and Freedoms

In an era of increased threats to freedom, pluralism and secular democracies across the globe, it is incumbent upon the church and religious institutions to fost er a democratic spirit that takes responsibility for its own liberties and freedoms. This paper underscores the importance of a conceptual shift from a defensive stance which tends to ring alarm bells only when there are clear infringements on religious rights, towards a proactive one where the church commits itself to nurturing a healthy and inclusive public sphere for all faiths and none....

March 10, 2024 · 5 min

How to Actually Treat Other Believers Like Family

As a Christian, we're called to treat fellow believers like family. That’s one of the ways we build a strong and cohesive spiritual community. However, sometimes we struggle with this ideal. We may have tensions or conflicts with other church members or just feel less connected than we should. It doesn't mean you've failed or your faith is waning, but it could be time for some introspection and reevaluation of your practices....

March 9, 2024 · 3 min

The Good and the Bad of Christian Fundamentalism

In today’s society, a lot is discussed regarding different perspectives of religion. Among many, Christian fundamentalism has attracted significant focus due to the unique tenets it holds. As with any other viewpoint, understanding the good and the bad of Christian fundamentalism calls for delving into both its positive aspects as well as potential dangers. For this purpose, we will analyze core principles and real-life manifestations of this ideology. The Good of Christian Fundamentalism Strong Beliefs: Christian fundamentalists hold to orthodox doctrines of their faith....

March 8, 2024 · 3 min

9 Lessons for New Christians ... And Old Ones

In all of our lives, we’ve likely heard about the existence or truth of God through conversations or experiences. For some of us, that process may have been gradual or relatively simple. For others, it was quite challenging and difficult to comprehend. Yet no matter what our initial path to faith has looked like, becoming a Christian is an active step of surrender and commitment. It marks the beginning of a lifelong journey in which we deepen our understanding of who God is and walk closely with him....

March 7, 2024 · 4 min

How Should Christians Approach Progress in Technology?

In our highly advanced society, technology continues to develop and affect every corner of life. While there are many benefits that come with technological progress, it also raises interesting questions about how Christians should approach this phenomenon. Is new technology always a good thing or can it pose negative consequences as well? How do we find the right balance between embracing new innovations but guarding against potential dangers? Here, we'll explore the answers to these important questions through a Christian perspective on advances in technology....

March 6, 2024 · 4 min

Why Pastors Struggle to Ask for Help (And How to Get Past It)

One of the most important things I’ve come to learn, especially in my role as a Ministry Director overseeing the care for pastors, is that many leaders struggle with asking others for help. There are numerous reasons, including pride and fear, but all in all, it boils down to a lack of well-practiced skill or paradigm shift. So, how do we help our brothers and sisters get past this reality? It begins with understanding....

March 5, 2024 · 7 min